After School Program
Our program serves the childcare needs of parents and students while fostering the same St. Paul's community atmosphere.
After School Program (ASP)
St. Paul’s Episcopal School After School Program (ASP) is an extension of the regular school day. ASP students must abide by all school principles and guidelines while in ASP. The program serves the childcare needs of parents and students while fostering the same St. Paul's community atmosphere.
dividerASP Contract Options for Lower School or Middle School
Please click on one of the options below to register for a full-year contract and/or Before Care.
Before Care and After School Program Drop-In Fee:
$14/hour. No contract necessary.
Learn More About Us
- After Care
- ASP Schedule
- Before Care
- Important Notes about Sign-Out Procedures:
- Pick-Up Authorization & Procedures:
- Veterans Green Dismissal
After Care
ASP assumes responsibility for all students on campus from school dismissal times until every student has been picked up.
Please do not give your children contradictory and inconsistent messages by telling them to wait in the lobby, on the sidewalk, or on the church steps.
Students waiting outside the building will be signed into ASP, parents will be contacted, and billed according to the time their child is picked up. The drop in fee is $12.00 per hour.
Every student must be picked up by an authorized adult in the white zone, in front of the Lower School 116 Montecito Ave. Please make sure the person who is picking-up has the proper identification, and are on the authorization for pick-up list.
ASP Schedule
Before Care and After School Program begin on the very first day of school, Wednesday, August 30, 2023. The After School Program is available for students, Monday through Friday, from class dismissal time until 6 p.m.
Parents may register their child for a full time contract from the student's dismissal time until 6:00 p.m. Before Care is included in full time contracts. Before Care begins at 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday.
After School Program Full Year Contracts
Click the number in the Fees column to register (to the right).
The After School Program will be CLOSED on the following dates:
- Monday, September 4: Labor Day
- Monday, October 9: Indigenous People Day
- Monday, November 20 - November 24: Thanksgiving Break
- Monday, December 25 - Monday, January 5: Winter Break
- Monday, January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Friday, February 16 - Professional Dev. Day
- Monday, February 19: President’s Day
- Monday, April 8 - Friday, April 12: Spring Break
- Monday, May 27: Memorial Day
Before Care
Before Care Time
Before Care is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. in the Lower School building.
Before Care is included in the full time contract (the full time contract is until 6:00 p.m.) Students will automatically be placed on the before care list.
All other students can be registered for before care by using the link to the right. Drop-ins will be charged according to the $12 per hour rate.
Students may not be dropped off before 8 a.m. in front of the school buildings, with the expectation that they can "hang out".
Drop OFF and Sign In
Students may be dropped off in front of the 116 Montecito Ave building. We will open the front doors to let them in the building. Please do not drive off until your child has walked into the building.
Students will be signed into Before Care on the mezzanine by staff. Students will be dismissed to teachers at 8:00 a.m.
Before Care Activities
After students are signed in, they may finish their breakfast, read, play games, complete homework, or socialize. At 8 a.m. Lower School teachers will meet students on the playground, in the gym, or on the roof, (weather permitting). Kindergarten students will be escorted to the kindergarten courtyard by their teachers.
Middle School students will be escorted to the Middle School building by the person overseeing before care.
Important Notes about Sign-Out Procedures:
Sign out:
Students in grades K-5 will be signed out by ASP staff members once they have been picked up by their parents or guardian.
Students in grades 6-8 may sign themselves out at the front desk once their parents or guardian have arrived.
Students in grades 6-8 may sign themselves out of the program with their parent's or guardian's written permission. ASP must have prior written permission in order for your child to sign out of ASP.
Pick-Up Authorization & Procedures:
Lower school students will be picked up in the white zone in front of 116 Montecito Ave. ASP staff will escort the student to their car, therefore parents should remain in the car during pickup.
Middle school students will be picked up in the white zone in front of 116 Montecito Ave. ASP staff will escort the student to their car, therefore parents should remain in the car at all times.
Pick-up Authorization
We will not release students to anyone who is not on the authorization list. Please notify any authorized adults of ASP sign out procedures.
Anyone picking up a student from ASP should be prepared to show proper ID (Driver’s License or State ID).
ASP must have direct communication from parents or guardians before any student is allowed to leave with a non-guardian, including other St. Paul’s parents. All pickups must be authorized in writing, we will keep these written documents on file as reference for future pick-ups. The document must contain the pickup person’s first and last name, the student who is being picked up, the period of time for which the person is authorized to pick up, the date that the document is written, and the parent/guardian’s signature.
Please notify ASP if you wish to remove someone from your student’s list of authorized pick-ups.
ASP will not accept hand delivered notes by someone not on the authorized list.
Please let ASP know, in writing, if there is anyone expressly forbidden to pick up your child.
Veterans Green Dismissal
Veterans Green Dismissal
Teachers arrive at the Veteran’s Green with their students in grades:
Kindergarten and First at 2:30 p.m.
Second and Third at 3:00 p.m.
Fourth and Fifth at 3:15 p.m.
Sixth, Seventh and Eighth 6-8 at 3:25 p.m.
Students Signed into After School
Teachers remain with the students for 10 minutes after the designated dismissal times. After 10 minutes, teachers escort students back to the Lower School, and they are signed into the After School Program. (Note: late fee charges begin five minutes after a student is signed into ASP.)
All students will receive a snack shortly after sign in. Lower School snack will be eaten outside. Students will be directed to wash their hands before and after snack. In keeping with school guidelines, students may not share snacks.
ASP provides nut-free snacks consisting of a fruit or vegetable and a main snack. Students are welcome to bring their own snacks to eat during ASP. We ask that you provide healthy, no-nut, low-sugar snacks.
Sporting Events
Students who are signed into the After School Program (ASP) may attend on-campus sporting events with ASP staff. Any students not signed in to ASP must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian if attending an on-campus sporting event. Roaming the campus independent of parent/guardian is not allowed. Student must remain with the parent/guardian at the sporting event. Any unaccompanied students will be signed into ASP automatically and parents will be notified.
Study Hall
ASP students can choose from a variety of activities each day such as Study Hall, game room, reading, art projects, and organized indoor and outdoor games. Activities begin after snack time. All activities end promptly at 5:30 p.m. and the remaining students in ASP will assemble on the Mezzanine until they have been picked up. Playground activities may be extended depending on the weather and number of students remaining in the After School Program.
In-house Enrichment Classes
These classes are free for the students that are signed in to ASP. Most in-house enrichment classes last 4-6 weeks in the Fall, Winter or Spring. Registration for these courses will be posted in the Wednesday Headlines.
Cancellation Policy
St. Paul’s After School program reserves the right to cancel any enrichment class due to low registration.
Enrollment & Billing
Full Time Contracts:
When you register for ASP the cost of the contract is added to your FACTS payments. Please contact Tutu in the in the business office for more details
We do not offer partial contracts. However, parents may use the drop-in option.
Drop-in Hours
Late Fees
The After School Program ends promptly at 6:00 p.m. After 6:00 p.m., the late fee is $15 for each five minutes or portion thereof. (For example, if you are six minutes late, you will be charged $30.) The Business Office will automatically charge the late fee to your FACTS account. It will be reflected on your monthly statement. Please note that late fees will not be waived.
Student Care Days
Student Care is available to all St. Paul's students on the following days from 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.:
- Conference Camp - October 19 and 20
- Professional Development Day - December 1
- Presidents' Week Break - February 20 - February 23
- Conference Camp - March 14 and 15
- Professional Development Day - April 15
Contact ASP
To contact ASP, please call 510-285-9601 or email Director of Programs, Kenton Young, or Assistant Director of ASP, Yesenia Arce at
A copy of the ASP policies and procedures lives with the sign in/out binders.